Save time - 8 hours of work in 2 minutes
The AdWords report is generated within minutes and it can show you, at a glance, your accounts status and the most important aspects. The tool tracks data for the last 90 days which makes it easier to spot if the performance is on the right track. If you have to analyse all this information by hand it will take you the whole day.
View each network's performance
The report includes information about each type of campaign and compares the performance between the devices you are targeting. Now you can take informed decisions about the Devices bid adjustments and distribute the budget based on performance.
Reduce the budget loss
Discover how much budget was spent on underperforming keywords, and how much more budget is estimated to be lost. This will allow you to build a highly relevant negative keywords list and spend the budget on the best quality searches.
Quality score
The Quality Score section of the report includes a the average Quality Score of your ads. This value can have a major impact on your ROI. By improving it you can improve your rankings and lower your costs.